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Thursday, March 31, 2005

A Rare Error on Texas Quarters Found


Late last year, it was discovered that some Wisconsin Quarters made at the Denver Mint featured an extra leaf on the left side of the corn cob. These flawed quarters have proven to be very rare and are selling for hundreds of dollars on Ebay and elsewhere. There has been speculation that these errors may have been done intentionally by the Mint. The Mint says it is investigating.

USA Today article

A new and more disconcerting error has recently been found. This time it's on the Texas quarter. A few people around the US have come across a Texas quarter, also from the Denver Mint, which has an error in the motto "E Pluribus Unum". This motto comes from a Latin poem and means "from many, one". It was selected in 1776 and refers to the formation of one federal state from many individual political units.

Error-Free Texas QuarterError in "E Pluribus Unum"

As shown, the error on the Texas quarter adds the letter "H" onto "Pluribus" to make "E Pluribush Unum". Some have speculated that this might have been done by an employee of the Mint as a protest against Bush's foreign policy.

In foreign affairs, some have accused Bush and his inner circle of invading Iraq for reasons of world dominance rather than of removing weapons of mass destruction. They claim Iraq is just the first step of Bush's ultimate goal of applying "from many, one" to the entire world.

Is this rare Texas Quarter error just a simple mistake? Is it a political protest? Or perhaps there are more insidious motives? Whatever the case, be sure to keep an eye out for it.

Nice addition of the OU logo to the Loooooooooone Star.

One of my seminars is taking a field trip to the Texas history museum next week, and I'm thinking of wearing an OU hat for grins. The prof has already instituted a no-snickering rule, so maybe that's not such a good idea.
There's been speculation that the extra leaf on the Wisconsin corn cob was due to a protest by an environmental activist at the Mint regarding genetically altered corn.
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