Cheap Thoughts by Ken 


Collection of my views, interests, and life experiences (some of which tend to be related to cheapness)

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Sunday, April 20, 2003
George's Words of Wisdom

This week I saw the Seinfeld rerun where Jerry requests assistance from George in how to beat a lie detector which his new girl friend, a police officer, asked him to take to prove that he has never seen Melrose Place. Elaine didn't think Jerry could pull it off. As she put it:

Who do you think you are? Costanza?

Jerry countered:

Hey, you know what, I have access to one of the most deceitful, duplicitess, deceptive minds of our time. Who better to advise me.

At first, George kept quiet. Then as George was walking out of the cafe, he gave Jerry his words of wisdom:

Hey Jerry, just remember... It's not a lie .... if you believe it...

This reminded me a little of Jason Alexander's attempt at a sitcom a few years ago. It tried to capture some of this humor of Jason Alexander. However, it didn't have the writing and the character development to make it.

In addition to this story, this episode also included George starting to wear a hair piece and then ironically getting fixed up with a bald lady by Kramer. In addition, Elaine attempted the futile effort to convince a potential boy friend to "switch teams". This was yet another great episode that combined great writing with great characters.

Guess Who Was Showing Curling?

Being someome who's careful in his spending, I've been living without cable for years. I get decent reception, and I don't watch all that much TV. Half my TV watching on weekday nights is actually PBS. I really enjoy their documentaries.

But this weekend, I experienced something that has me thinking that cable may have an edge these days. NBC lost the NBA this season. So what does NBC put on instead of NBA playoffs? I just switched over to NBC, and they're showing the 2003 World Curling Championship. Not sure what curling is? You might have seen a little bit of this in the winter Olympics. It's a little like shuffle board on ice except that players also use some sort of brooms to adjust the rock's placement. And guess what. USA women beat Canada in the championship (a great day in the history of USA sports). I don't want to put down Curling. It probably is a fun sport. But this is something that I would expect on cable, not NBC on a Sunday.

I had thought TNT had the exclusive rights to the playoffs until the championship series. But it looks like ABC will show games on Sundays. So maybe I can keep surviving without cable...

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