Cheap Thoughts by Ken 


Collection of my views, interests, and life experiences (some of which tend to be related to cheapness)

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Sunday, April 13, 2003
Always Wanted to be an Architect

How many times through out the Seinfeld series did George pretend to be an Architect? This seemed to pop up often in unexpected times. It was always funny such as when George was trying to help Jerry in convincing an old high school archrival that Jerry fairly won a 100 yard dash. George popped in on them at the coffee shop and pretended never to have met Jerry since high school. Of course, George's current job was an Architect. Another classic was when Jerry fixed George up with a lady and told her George was a marine biologist. Needless to say George was upset that Jerry forgot about his architect acting aspirations.

One architecture aspiration of mine is a designing a six story house. If money were of no concern, I think it would be cool to design a six story house for myself. It wouldn't have to be big house, just a tall house. On the bottom floor would be the garage. The second floor would be the kitchen and dining room. Living room would be on the third floor. Two bedrooms would be on the fourth floor. Finally, the master bedroom would be a penthouse taking up the fifth and sixth floor.

I always like being up high. I love skyscrappers. In Dallas just recently, I got to stay at the Hyatt Regency at the Reunion. I was able to stay on the 23rd floor overlooking downtown. It was pretty cool. Most of the time I stay in hotels that are more like motels which are rarely over 4 stories.

Although I was on the 23rd floor, it still wasn't all that high compared to other buildings in Dallas. The tallest one was close to the hotel. It was the Bank of America Plaza, a 72 story, 921 foot office tower. This tower is outlined by emerald green argon tubing which made for a great view at night.

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